"I used to be surrounded by negative people always trying to pull me down. With Martial Arts World, I've surrounded myself with positive people. I am HAPPIER, HEALTHIER, STRONGER, and more CONFIDENT."
-Instructor Ihde
"I used to be bullied all the time and had no self-confidence , and my thoughts were terrible. After joining Martial Arts World, I learned how to defend myself against not only my own thoughts, but other peoples as well."
-Jaelyn Velez
"When she first started school, she struggled to focus. After joining the Martial Arts World after-school program, she had achieved A/B honor-roll! I couldnt be prouder."
While driving, you cant go anywhere other than your seat, so you might as well MAXIMIZE the time you have to spend in your car.
Here's what our members are saying...
"I have always had a hard time standing up for myself. I have always felt intimidated, manipulated, and unsure of my possible out comes in life. Since joining Martial Arts World, I have learned to be more confident , make new friends, and meet people from all over the planet!"
-Malayka Gonzalez
"I became more confident and positive. I knew that if i set my mind to something, I CAN DO IT! "
-Matthew Misegades
" When I joined Martial Arts World, I was able to find a new family that was supportive. And pushed me and encouraged me to become a better person. It is truly an institution of SELF-IMPROVEMENT, and it has changed my life dramatically!
-Khalil Hawkins
"I used to be very shy, very quiet, and found it hard to interact with others. Since I've been training I have become more CONFIDENT , increased my SELF-ESTEEM, and help me make a bunch of NEW FRIENDS!"